Friday, January 20, 2012

Opinion Express

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Many happy returns

If Mitt Romney did not exist, the Democratic National Committee would have to invent him: A leading Republican presidential contender whose resume, portfolio, platform, off-hand remarks and even appearance make him a nearly perfect symbol for what the Democrats want to argue truly ails America — a tax and regulatory system that favors the wealthy and widens the poisonous gap between rich and poor.

Civilization in reverse

In Greek mythology, the prophetess Cassandra was doomed both to tell the truth and to be ignored. Our modern version is a bankrupt Greece that we seem to discount.

'The Not-Romney Campaign' 'The Not-Romney Campaign'

If you've harbored a secret suspicion that one of the Republican presidential candidates yearns for a lifestyle with multiple mates, it turns out you're right.

Today's columnists

Stopping Iran at the pump

Iran, its economy hurting from international sanctions aimed at checking its nuclear ambitions, has threatened to close the Strait of Hormuz. Twenty percent of the world's tanker-carried oil supply goes through the strait. The price of oil is now $100 a barrel and will only rise.

'Now he's got to suffer the consequences'

The viral YouTube video of Chicago teens punching, stomping and robbing a 17-year-old high school student in a South Side alley is sickening not just for its viciousness, but for the impulse of someone to record the attack as if it was something to celebrate.

Copyright (c) 2012, Chicago Tribune

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