Friday, January 27, 2012

Your morning news update

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Statue dedicated to children who died stolen from Lincolnwood school

A memorial statue to its students who died young has been stolen from the grounds of a Lincolnwood elementary school.

Chicago's overall museum attendance holds steady Chicago's overall museum attendance holds steady

Despite the so-so economy, attendance at Chicago's museums and zoos, held steady last year.

Bicycle rider shot in Avondale Bicycle rider shot in Avondale

A 22-year-old man riding a bicycle was shot about 12:20 a.m. Friday near the intersection of Pulaski Road and Milwaukee Avenue in the Avondale neighborhood, police said.

68,000 gang members counted by new Gang Book 68,000 gang members counted by new Gang Book

Social media Web sites have become popular mechanisms by which gang members carry out drug-dealing and other illegal activity.

Charges filed in August shooting death Charges filed in August shooting death

Authorities have charged a 19-year-old man with first-degree murder five months after a shooting that left another man dead near his home in the Auburn Gresham neighborhood.

O'Hare keeps No. 2 ranking in total flights O'Hare keeps No. 2 ranking in total flights

O'Hare International Airport, which was the world's busiest airport from 1961 through 1997, remained stuck in the No. 2 spot last year in the U.S. as measured by the number of flights, the Federal Aviation Administration said Thursday.

Preckwinkle checks out Evanston's progress in rehabbing foreclosed properties Preckwinkle checks out Evanston's progress in rehabbing foreclosed properties

Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle visited Evanston on Thursday morning for a tour of how the city has spent an $18 million federal grant to be used for rehabbing foreclosed properties.

Slain cop's friend moved to tears as drug suspect is convicted of murder Slain cop's friend moved to tears as drug suspect is convicted of murder

The cop clutched a framed photograph and sat doubled over on the courtroom bench, wracked with sobs after a reputed drug dealer had been convicted Thursday in the 2008 murder of Chicago police Officer Nathaniel Taylor.

Copyright (c) 2012, Chicago Tribune

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