Monday, January 30, 2012

Opinion Express

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Tell us now, Governor

Do you intend to make crucial spending decisions right now? Or do you want to make your tax increases permanent?

U.S. gun laws downright insane Pitts: U.S. gun laws downright insane

The Gabrielle Giffords episode joins a long list of elections overturned and social movements derailed by men with guns.

Face it: Obama is plum out of ideas Krauthammer: Obama is plum out of ideas

The visionary of 2008's hope and change offered an hour of little things in his State of the Union speech.

Today's columnists

You're gonna live! Or not. You're gonna live! Or not.

You can't reduce the odds of a heart attack or stroke to zero. But if you crave a simple mantra to avoid heart attacks and strokes, here it is.

10 things you might not know about salt 10 things you might not know about salt

Every winter, widespread chemical dumping leaves Chicago streets covered in sodium chloride. Here are 10 facts you don't have to take with a grain of salt:

Copyright (c) 2012, Chicago Tribune

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