Monday, January 23, 2012

Opinion Express

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Who's getting food?

We've seen enough reports about fraud to conclude that oversight needs improvement.

Suicide march Krauthammer: The GOP suicide march

The president is a very smart man. But if he wins in November, that won't be the reason. It will be luck. He could not have chosen more self-destructive adversaries.

Hold the presses Hold the presses

As the economy slowly revives, the Federal Reserve should hold off on QE3.

Today's columnists

Paterno latest reminder extraordinary leaders make mistakes in judgment too Haugh: No wrong responses to Joe Paterno's death

On homemade signs placed by the Joe Paterno statue outside Beaver Stadium and online tributes Sunday, you saw images of the same words expressed often: JOEPA, RIP.

Motherhood is certain to have its share of baby blues Brotman: Motherhood certain to have its share of baby blues

I was watching an old home video recently, part of my ongoing project of transferring our videos from VHS to digital files.

Copyright (c) 2012, Chicago Tribune

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