Friday, November 25, 2011

Opinion Express

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Grace under pressure

We are grateful for the long lesson she taught us: how to live, in dignity, against tall odds.

The 21 deaths at E2 The 21 deaths at E2

Attorneys for the nightclub's owners blame Chicago cops, firefighters and paramedics. Are those accusations true or false?

Cain's scary lack of knowledge Pitts: Herman Cain's scary lack of knowledge

You likely remember the 3 a.m. phone call. Can we really trust Herman Cain to answer?

Today's columnists

Maggie Daley found her place — with style and poise Kass: Maggie Daley's style and poise

Marrying into a political clan wasn't easy, but Mayor Daley's wife endured and thrived.

A sympathy note from the 1 percent A sympathy note from the 1 percent

I've been reading with interest recent dispatches from the front lines of the class war in America.

Copyright (c) 2011, Chicago Tribune

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