Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Opinion Express

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How to cut a deal

The supercommittee's failure was enough to make me long for the days of the smoke-filled room, although without the smoke.

MF Global and the Chicago connection MF Global and the Chicago connection

The collapse of MF shows that the customers of Chicago's exchanges and their clearinghouses do not necessarily enjoy the financial protection they thought they did.

Forms of punishment Zorn: Forms of punishment

Sure, a "firmly worded letter" seems like the mildest possible punishment for a middle-school principal who pleaded guilty to sending sexually explicit and harassing texts to a young female intern he'd met on the job.

Today's columnists

The chutes and ladders of The Chicago Way Kass: The chutes and ladders of The Chicago Way

While Obama climbs high, his onetime pal Rezko is slip-slidin' away.

A heaping helping of holiday advice Schmich: A heaping helping of holiday advice

Welcome to the Thanksgiving Helper Hotline.

Copyright (c) 2011, Chicago Tribune

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