Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Charter schools struggling / Occupy LA camp dismantled / Historic church's next chapter

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Charters struggling like other CPS schools

News app: New data suggests many charter schools in Chicago are performing no better than traditional neighborhood schools, and some are doing worse. Use our database to search the scores.

Police dismantle anti-Wall Street's LA camp Police dismantle Occupy camp in Los Angeles

Police in riot gear and biohazard suits removed anti-Wall Street activists from an encampment outside the Los Angeles City Hall this morning, arresting an estimated 200 people. >> Photos

World's central banks act to ease market strains World's central banks act to bolster markets

The world's major central banks unleashed coordinated action Wednesday to ease the increasing strains on the global financial system, a move that sent stock markets up sharply.

Cubs' chairman likes new direction Cubs' chairman likes new direction

After reports spread Tuesday the Cubs were interested in both Prince Fielder and Albert Pujols, Tom Ricketts was asked if he was willing to offer a mega-deal to any free agent this offseason.

Forget big-name coach, Illini need good one Haugh: Forget big-name coach, Illini need good one

Since firing Ron Zook on Sunday, the Illinois AD already has been bombarded with advice to hire former Texas Tech coach Mike Leach to provide credibility Illini football lacks.

American Airlines waited too long to bail out Rosenthal: American Airlines waited too long to bail out

AMR Corp. filed for Chapter 11 protection in hopes of gaining the same savings American competitors such as Delta Air Lines and United Airlines enjoy from restructuring and renegotiated labor deals.

Now closed, historic church awaits next chapter Now closed, historic church awaits next chapter

The Episcopal Church of the Epiphany on the Near West Side was built in 1885 and has a firm place in Chicago history.

Emanuel wins New Trier alumni honor After snub, Emanuel wins New Trier alumni honor

After he was snubbed a year ago, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel is among the second group of "outstanding alumni" to be honored by New Trier High School.

Copyright (c) 2011, Chicago Tribune

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