Monday, October 24, 2011

Your morning news update

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Nurses to picket City Hall over arrest of colleagues at Occupy Chicago protest

Outraged by the arrest of two <runtime:topic id="HEMSP000015">nurses</runtime:topic> and a union organizer volunteering at the Occupy Chicago protest over the weekend, National Nurses United is planning a protest at Mayor <runtime:topic id="PEPLT000007532">Rahm Emanuel</runtime:topic>'s office Monday.

Cellini jury gets day off before closings Cellini jury gets day off before closings

It's the legal equivalent of the calm before the storm.

4 charged with Metra station robberies in Gresham 4 charged with Metra station robberies in Gresham

Four Chicago teens have been arrested and charged in connection with a string of armed robberies at or near the Gresham Metra station this month. Two of them were arrested Friday while allegedly staking out another robbery.

State found funds to pay prominent Democrat's bill State found funds to pay prominent Democrat's bill

SPRINGFIELD -- As thousands of Illinois social service agencies, hospitals, schools and vendors were waiting months for overdue payments from the state, Gov. Pat Quinn's office pushed out a $285,000 payment to a prominent Chicago Democrat last month, just two weeks after a settlement was reached in a lawsuit, state records show.

2 teens charged in iPhone robbery on 'L' platform 2 teens charged in iPhone robbery on 'L' platform

Two 14-year-old boys were charged as juveniles for using a BB gun to rob a woman of her iPhone at a Loop 'L' platform, police said this morning.

Man fatally shot in West Englewood neighborhood street Man fatally shot in West Englewood neighborhood street

A 25-year-old North Aurora man was found shot dead on the street late Sunday in the city's West Englewood neighborhood, police said.

Suburban church members find newborn left in shopping bag Suburban church members find newborn left in shopping bag

Someone placed a days-old infant girl into a recyclable shopping bag, along with a teddy bear and a towel, and left the bag in the parking lot of a Schaumburg church, authorities said.

Man, 44, rescued from fire in Hyde Park apartment building Man, 44, rescued from fire in Hyde Park apartment building

A man was hospitalized tonight with smoke inhalation injuries after firefighters pulled him from a smoky fire at a Hyde Park apartment building, authorities said.

Copyright (c) 2011, Chicago Tribune

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