Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Chicago Tribune Books Update

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Chicago Tribune Books

Adultery, with a side order of economics

In Chicago recently on tour for her new novel, "The Forgotten Waltz," Anne Enright seemed keener on the street scene than touting her book. From the perspective of the Whiskey Bar & Grill outdoor cafe on Rush Street, we saw an abundance of shopping bags from Barneys, Hermes and Bloomingdale's. Also abundant were well-groomed, purebred canines strolling with their owners, who were talking on cellphones.

Make-up calls – and musings on the 2011 Man Booker Make-up calls – and musings on the 2011 Man Booker

Julia Keller discusses if Julian Barnes really deserved the Man Booker Prize or if it was just "about time" for him to win?

'Piano Rats' by Franki Elliot Review: 'Piano Rats' by Franki Elliot

Chicago poet Franki Elliot's "Piano Rats," which was released by local publisher Curbside Splendor, is filled with short poems that will make readers look closer at the world around them.

'O's Best Advice Ever!: Make Over Your Life with Oprah & Friends' by the editors of O, The Oprah Magazine Review: 'O's Best Advice Ever!' by the editors of O, The Oprah Magazine

Take Oprah's "best advice ever" with a grain of salt.

Lit Life: A book about the great beyond

From Mitch Albom to Alice Sebold, writers have been attracted to the afterlife, reaping from the fields of heaven a bumper crop of stories. Now Lauren Oliver, 28, a 2004 graduate of the University of Chicago, has aimed her plow at that well-tilled furrow with "Liesl & Po" (HarperCollins), a young adult novel.

Lit Life: Poetic justice

A new anthology aims to be the last word on 20th century verse

Copyright (c) 2011, Chicago Tribune

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