Thursday, October 27, 2011

Your evening news update

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Two Frankfort schools on lockdown during manhunt

Two Frankfort elementary schools were on lockdown for a little more than an hour this morning as police pursued a suspected burglar who was believed to be armed.

'While the knife was in her little heart, he made the sign of the cross' 'While the knife was in her little heart, he made the sign of the cross'

Prosecutors today described a horrific scene inside a Skokie home where a man killed his 18-year-old daughter and 2-year-old granddaughter, with the child hitting him with a toy to make him stop.

Juror removed as Cellini deliberations finish 2nd day Juror removed as Cellini deliberations finish 2nd day

The federal jury weighing the fate of Springfield power broker William Cellini wrapped up deliberations for the day and will return on Friday.

Former physician charged with trading Xanax, other drugs, for sex Former physician charged with trading Xanax, other drugs, for sex

A Chicago physician who offered on Craigslist to trade prescription drugs was charged with handing out Xanax, Oxycontin and other drugs in exchange for sex, federal authorities said Thursday.

Muslim sues bottling company over prayer time Muslim sues bottling company over prayer time

A former delivery driver has filed a federal lawsuit against a soda bottling plant in Harvey that allegedly fired him shortly after he asked to time his lunch break to attend weekly Islamic prayers at a mosque.

Thieves reach for brass rings from hydrants Thieves reach for brass rings from hydrants

Thieves reach for brass rings from hydrantsCall it a sign of the economic times: between 70 and 100 brass rings were stolen from fire hydrants in August and September.

Beluga whale dies at Shedd Aquarium Beluga whale dies at Shedd Aquarium

Puiji, a 25-year-old female beluga whale who was an original member of the Shedd Aquarium’s beluga collection in 1989, died following a seizure in her Oceanarium pool Wednesday night, according to aquarium officials.

Pair kidnaps 81-year-old woman in Oak Lawn Pair kidnaps 81-year-old woman in Oak Lawn

A man and woman kidnapped an 81-year-old woman in Oak Lawn and forced her to withdraw $9,000 from a bank before leaving her in a parking lot, police said today.

Copyright (c) 2011, Chicago Tribune

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