Monday, October 31, 2011

Blackface on Halloween is wrong / Sexy costume rules / Chicago's most haunted buildings

Caption contest: Rahm on the CTA among zombies
Begging to be raped on Halloween Begging to be raped on Halloween? No.

Wearing sexy costumes are not, in any way, a license to be misogynistic or worse.

What your Halloween candy says about you What Halloween candy you give away says about you

Do you give away apples? Pennies? Huge bags of candy? Find out what type you are.

Blackface is always wrong, even on Halloween Blackface is always wrong

It's not OK to dress up in blackface, even on Halloween.

10 Great Ways To Catch Live Music in Chicago This Halloween Live music on Halloween

Don't have a party to go to? Here are 10 ways to catch live music tonight.

Chicago's most haunted buildings Chicago's most haunted buildings

You know what place you work in/walk by/live near? Well, it may be haunted.

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