Saturday, October 22, 2011

Opinion Express

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Mission's end

Virtually all U.S. troops will leave Iraq by year's end, nearly nine years after the first American bombs struck Baghdad.

The phone that talks back Editorial: The phone that talks back

With the release of the iPhone 4S, Apple has put artificial intelligence in the hands of millions. Meet Siri, the voice-activated software that allows you to perform tasks on your phone through natural speech.

Cain's glib confusion on just about everything Chapman: Cain's glib confusion on just about everything

For a while during Tuesday's Republican debate, it wasn't clear if Herman Cain was running for president of the United States or the Fruit Vendors Association. Responding to a criticism of his 9-9-9 tax plan, Cain said: "This is an example of mixing apples and oranges. The state tax is an apple. We are replacing the current tax code with oranges."

Today's columnists

Business to pols: Shape up Business to pols: Shape up

Illinois is losing the hearts and minds of the people who put people to work here.


In 1986, "Blade Runner" director Ridley Scott put together a lavish ad called "The Deficit Trials: 2017 A.D." Set in a post-apocalyptic future, the spot (still viewable on shows angry, shivering urchins crowded into a ruined courtroom. The adults in the scene stand accused of failing to control the deficit before it was too late. "By 1986 the national debt had reached $2 trillion," the kid playing the prosecutor says to the grizzled old man in on the stand. "Didn't that frighten you?" In a contemporaneous news piece, Dan Rather called it a political commercial on "the sticker shock and future shock of deficit spending." …

Copyright (c) 2011, Chicago Tribune

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