Thursday, December 29, 2011

Opinion Express

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Sen. Ben Nelson: How big an effect will his absence be?

Sen. Ben Nelson's decision not to seek re-election in Nebraska is bad news for Democrats trying to hold onto control of the Senate, but Washington Post reporter Chris Cillizza is right to argue that "it is far from a death blow to their hopes of retaining the majority."

Derrick Rose is no role model Derrick Rose is no role model

The Beatification of Derrick Rose was completed last week at Northbrook Court. The 23-year-old NBA MVP, who just signed a five-year, $94.8 million contract extension with his hometown Bulls, was mobbed by an estimated 8,000 fans who showed up at the mall to see him and his teammates. Extra police were called in for crowd control. Northbrook firefighters on scene were propositioned by frantic girls who said they would do unmentionable things if they could just touch the hem of Rose's jacket. And, of course, the local news media have added to the Cult of Rose, who has yet to lead his team to an NBA title, by comparing him to Michael Jordan, who won six.

How not to fix the immigration system

Crops don't get picked. Chickens don't get plucked. Kids don't go to school. And the line at the Department of Motor Vehicles is really, really slow. Those are among the unintended consequences of Alabama's overreaching immigration law.

Today's columnists

Going green: 12 simple steps

As we head into 2012, many of us will resolve to lose weight, save money or spend more time with family and friends. But there are also some resolutions we can undertake to make our lives a little greener.

End of the line for the Maricopa martinet?

In the end, it may be children who finally rid Arizona of the bullying tactics of Sheriff Joe Arpaio. The adults there certainly haven't been able to do it.

Copyright (c) 2011, Chicago Tribune

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