Monday, December 26, 2011

Opinion Express

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Medicare and Mediscare

Paul Ryan and Ron Wyden introduced a new plan to tame Medicare costs. There's much for both parties to like.

Merry Easter! Where's our Christmas card?

Nothing says "I can't be troubled to wish you a proper Merry Christmas" quite like tweeting a photo of the cat with a bow on its head to 1,000 of your closest "followers."

The Republicans' payroll tax debacle The Republicans' payroll tax debacle

Now that Congress has reached agreement on what must be one of the worst pieces of legislation in years, let's survey the damage.

Today's columnists

Take care of business McCarron: Take care of business

Time is running out on 2011, and you have less than a week to decide whether to do some really important things.

Moving the borders: Goodbye Chicago Moving the borders: Goodbye Chicago

It's back — the plan to split off Chicago from the rest of Illinois. State Reps. Bill Mitchell, R-Forsyth, and Adam Brown, R-Decatur, want a 51st state to be created by carving Chicago from the Illinois body. "Downstate families are tired of Chicago dictating its views to the rest of us," Mitchell says.

Copyright (c) 2011, Chicago Tribune

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