Friday, December 23, 2011

Opinion Express

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Hang up and drive

The National Transportation Safety Board wants all 50 states to ban cellphone use by drivers. No texting, no tweeting, no talking — not even on a hands-free phone.

Scott Stantis Cartoon Caption Contest Winner Scott Stantis Cartoon Caption Contest Winner

And the winner is...

Christopher Hitchens gets the last laugh Christopher Hitchens gets the last laugh

As fans of the late Christopher Hitchens cycle through the five stages of grief, it's interesting to see which of his opinions can still inspire the kind of anger that is unlikely to ever fade into acceptance. There are, of course, the obvious candidates: his characterization of Bill Clinton as "a rapist" or his vilification of Mother Teresa as "a fanatic, a fundamentalist and a fraud." There is also his oh so chivalrous shoutout to the Dixie Chicks, whom he called "fat slugs" (or "slags" or "sluts" depending on your source) despite later admitting "having not the least idea of what any of them looked like."

Today's columnists

Bizarro books the GOP reads

One of the strangest moments in Mitt Romney's uncomfortable interview with Fox News' Brett Baier four weeks ago came when Baier asked him for the name of the last book he's read. "I'm reading sort of a fun one right now," he explained, "so I'll skip that." Then he hurried on to say he just finished George W. Bush's "Decision Points." (Which, as Jon Stewart noted, he also said he had "just finished" six months ago.)

Keep teens out of adult criminal court

Any parent knows that teenagers want to be older than they are. They want to stay out as late as possible, they want to hang out with whomever they choose — and they don't want anyone to tell them what to do.

Copyright (c) 2011, Chicago Tribune

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