Friday, December 23, 2011

LED lights and tree toppers / Radiator troubles / Identifying asbestos

December 23, 2011
Edition 69


I want to first thank all of you for listening to my radio show this past year. We have taken a lot of calls and helped a lot of people navigate a little bit on living in their homes. I am looking forward to another year at WGN and I hope you will be right there with me. 2012 will be a positive year for all of us. I am very confident in that.

Which brings me to the subject of always remembering that investing in your home is still a great idea. If you think about the things we need and things we want - the wants are always the winners. Apple did not invent the MP3 player, but they did make it cool. The same can be said for the iPhone. People want it. They don't necessarily need it, but there is a desire. The same is true for your home. Make it the best it can be, the best you can afford, and the value will follow. Do not hesitate on improving your home. If you want new counter tops, then put them in. If the bathroom is old and tired, remodel it. If the dining room light fixture is dull, install a new one. These upgrades will make your home more enjoyable to live in and, yes, add value.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all!


Lou Manfredini

Be sure to download Lou and Lindsey singing the holiday classic Baby, It's Cold Outside. In exchange for the download, they ask you to donate a suggested $5 to the Neediest Kids Fund to help a child less fortunate this holiday season. Thank you so much and Happy Holidays!

What do I use to get the glue from the carpet off the cement?

Q: Hi Lou,

We had glued down carpet in our basement. It flooded, so we pulled the carpet up. What do I use to get the glue from the carpet off the cement? We would like to then paint the floor, so what do we do after glue is removed?


A: Hi Carlene,

Sorry about the flood. Your best bet is to actually sand the glue from the floor. Rent a random orbit or pad floor sander. Make sure you wear a high quality dust mask or respirator. 3M TEKK, whom I work with as a spokesperson, makes high quality products. Then sand all that glue off. Make sure you have as mush fresh air in the basement as possible and turn the furnace off during this process. Then mop it up. Let it dry for a couple of days and paint away.


Can I plug the tree topper, which isn't LED, into the new strings of LED lights?

Q: Lou!

I purchased new LED lights for my Christmas tree this year. I have an old tree topper (belonged to my Grandmother so I want to keep it). Can I plug the tree topper, which isn't LED, into the new strings of LED lights or should I run an extension cord down the tree with only the topper plugged into that? I don't want to ruin either thing!

Thank you,

A: Carrie,

The electricity that is used to light the LEDs is the same as conventional lights. So, yes, you can plug them together with no worries.


The radiator in the main bathroom refuses to be bled . . .

Q: Dear Mr. Manfredini,

We are homeowners of a 1940 brick ranch. Our home is heated with fantastic floorboard radiant heat. The only problem is the radiator in the main bathroom refuses to be bled. It can get quite cold. We have tried all sorts of things; it just won't budge. We were hoping you knew where we could get a functioning period replacement for the cast radiator. We enjoy the warmth and charm the system provides and would like to maintain both the look and performance. Thank you for your time. Please assist us if you can.

Kenny and Melissa

A: Kenny and Melissa,

That is surprising that you cannot get it to bleed. There must be a clog in the water line. Before you invest in a new old radiator, I would remove the one you have and flush it out. Then re-install it. I bet that will work. As far as finding old radiators, I am not sure where you live but in Chicago try Consumers Plumbing. They are on Lake Street just west of downtown.


It appears that they may have used asbestos tiles on the garage floor . . .

Q: Hi Lou,

I listen to you every Saturday morning. First let me thank you for suggesting "It's a Wonderful Life" at the Biograph Theater. It was a perfect show and we even got our message read on the Radiogram during the show.

I have a question that I know you would be able to answer. My wife and I are purchasing a home, and it appears that they may have used asbestos tiles on the garage floor! Is there any way to determine if they are asbestos? And what way would you recommend to remove them?

Any information would be appreciated.

Thank You

A: Dave,

The only way to know is to have it tested. You really cannot look at it and know. I would remove a small piece and find a testing facility near you to evaluate the material. If you do a web search you will find a lab. Then, if it is asbestos, you need to have it removed legally by a licensed asbestos abatement company.


I have black stains and mold running beside the center beam of my cathedral ceiling . . .

Q: Lou,

I had my roof replaced six yrs ago and for the 2nd time have black stains and mold running beside the center beam of my cathedral ceiling in one room. Two roofers and my fireplace cleaner say it's from condensation. No one seems to be able to tell me why it just occurs on only one side of the beam. I don't have eaves, so the roofer suggests that they install a ridge vent along the full length of the room. They don't know if this will work and will not guarantee it. What is your opinion?


A: Hi Nina,

A couple of things. Do you burn a lot of candles in that room? If so that could be candle sooting that collects on the beam from the airflow. Try using higher quality candles to avoid this as those are cleaner burning. Also, if you have a ceiling fan in that room keep it running on low all the time so that if it is condensation it will help to keep things dry. Additional venting is always a good idea especially in a vaulted ceiling.


Please e-mail your home improvement questions to Each issue, Lou will select several questions and answer them. So, send us your questions and watch your e-mail inbox for the next issue of Lou It Yourself! If you have a digital "before" picture, please e-mail it along with your question and we'll try to get it in an upcoming newsletter.

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