Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Car crashes into apartment / Guillen's out / Facebook privacy concerns

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Sleeping girl, 14, killed when car crashes into Maywood apartment

A 14-year-old girl asleep on a sofa was killed early this morning after a car crashed into an apartment in west suburban Maywood.

White Sox release Ozzie Guillen; Marlins likely next stop Ozzie Guillen's run in Chicago done

The controversial and entertaining Ozzie Guillen managerial era that saw a World Series win in his second season ended with a third consecutive non-playoff season. >> Video: Guillen on his release

Drug companies pay $25M to Illinois doctors Drug companies pay $25M to Illinois doctors

At least 3 dozen doctors received payments and perks exceeding $100K from drug companies, according to an updated database.

Chicago home prices showed strength this summer Chicago home prices showed strength this summer

Home prices in the Chicago area showed expected summer strength in July, posting a fourth consecutive month-over-month gain, according to a widely watched measurement of home values released Tuesday.

Are small theaters punching a ticket to oblivion? Small theaters' ticket to oblivion?

One hundred and sixty miles southwest of Chicago, a man has planted a pair of reconditioned 20-by-48-foot drive-in movie screens in what used to be a cornfield.

Crack down on reckless cabbies Crack down on reckless cabbies

Editorial: The inescapable conclusion is that taxi drivers behave like stereotypical road menaces because there are few consequences.

Guillen was always about himself Haugh: Guillen was always about himself

Apparently $2 million doesn't stretch as far in today's economy as one might think.

New Facebook information sharing features cause privacy concerns New Facebook features cause privacy concerns

Facebook Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg said its new features create "frictionless sharing."

The invisible fan The invisible fan: Scapegoat Bartman remains undetected

He isn't on Facebook, though his fake profile and a fan club for him are. He doesn't Tweet, at least under his name. He never did the talk show circuit, cashed in any of the lucrative financial offers thrown his way or accepted the official overtures to return as a VIP to his beloved Wrigley Field.

6 Chicago schools begin longer school day 6 Chicago schools begin longer school day

Monday was the new normal at Fiske Elementary School on the South Side, with more time dedicated to math and reading and, for the first time since many of the school's kids were in diapers, recess.

Partisan politics complicate efforts shore up Social Security Partisan politics slow efforts to shore up Social Security

Barbara Goodfriend doesn't know a lot about Texas Gov. Rick Perry, yet the Republican presidential hopeful has become the topic of discussion among the seniors in her regular workout group in Skokie. And not in a good way.

Copyright (c) 2011, Chicago Tribune

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