Saturday, August 27, 2011

Opinion Express

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Ben Bernanke, out of options

The Federal Reserve Chairman used his annual speech in Jackson Hole to indicate he may take more steps to stimulate growth. But at this point, neither he nor anyone else can really expect it to make much difference.

Zorn: Tthe presidential race has barely started

Texas Gov. "Rick Perry leads GOP field in new Gallup poll," one headline told us last week. "Poll: Obama in tight race against Republican rivals," said another.

Take the money Editorial: Take the money

On Wednesday, Chicago schools CEO Jean-Claude Brizard offered elementary school teachers a 2 percent raise, starting in January, if they would work 90 extra minutes a day.

Today's columnists


For several years, (Gov. Rick) Perry has been traveling around Texas, and sometimes overseas, surrounded by a phalanx of Texas state troopers. The bodyguards are not present for security — a local police officer could handle that role. They're present to make Perry seem more important, as if a visiting head of state. When Perry attended the Indianapolis 500 in 2010, for example, he brought eight state troopers with him at Texas taxpayer expense. … Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels, a humble man, had no bodyguards at the Indianapolis 500. …

Page: Give King memorial a chance

It is poignantly appropriate that the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial has stirred controversy. After all, so did King.

Copyright (c) 2011, Chicago Tribune

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