Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Decor mistakes/fall lawn care/wall art

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Top 10 decorating mistakes

Finding tasteful decorating solutions is no easy matter. Every new decorating idea can be overdone. Here are recent hot trends that need to cool down.

Fall is home turf for lawn care Fall is home turf for lawn care

Healthy soil makes for healthy grass. Here's how to reseed or patch ahead of the winter frost.

Pursuing a 'greener' lawn Pursuing a 'greener' lawn

Let the grass grow. Cut down on water and fertilizer. The planet will thank you.

Affordable art is the new reality Fine art now a fine bargain

New technologies give emerging artists a shot at building an audience, and consumers a chance to buy quality art for a reasonable price.

The reemergence of handmade posters Handmade posters carry on

The modern craft movement embraces posters as a way to liven up walls without spending a lot of money.

Protect house from roof water with downspout drain lines Protect house from roof water

A downspout diverter will pull rainwater onto the sidewallk, but it's more effective to pipe it underground.

Elk Grove house walk features design solutions Elk Grove house walk

Design solutions are featured in a benefit for the Kenneth Young Center mental health and senior service organization.

Insect is early warning system for emerald ash borer Early-warning insect

A new ally in the war against emerald ash borer may be stationed in your local park.

Tidy up the autumn garden, and make plans for spring Tidy up the autumn garden

Get perennial beds in shape and plan bulb plantings for the seasons ahead.

 Planting bulbs in a garden that attracts hungry critters Critters vs. bulbs

Some bulbs attract deer, rabbits and squirrels. Others repel them.

Conservation group holds native tree and shrub sale Native tree and shrub sale

Citizens for Conservation is accepting shrub and tree orders for this year's Fall Native Tree and Shrub Sale.

Copyright (c) 2011, Chicago Tribune

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