Friday, August 26, 2011

Opinion Express

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Nobody asked, but …

In a little more than a week, my youngest, the twins, will enter high school.

Be like Steve

The resignation this week of Apple Inc. boss Steve Jobs touched off an outpouring on social media. Bloggers blogged. Tweeters tweeted. Facebook posts abounded.

Pressure, money and understanding failure

For generations of fans, baseball has held a particular attraction, in part because we marvel at players' skills along with their determination and ability to perform under unique pressures and exacting demands. However, failure is also an intrinsic part of baseball and when a player fails on an epic scale, our attraction becomes different — akin to that of watching a highway accident. Even if we want to turn away, we can't.

Today's columnists

The responsible party? Just ask them!


The feds and tuition waivers

Is the U.S. attorney's office going to clean up the Illinois legislative scholarship program before the General Assembly does? It's beginning to look that way.

Copyright (c) 2011, Chicago Tribune

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