| Wednesday, Aug. 31, 2011 • chicagotribune.com business newsletter |  | BUSINESS ALERTS ON YOUR PHONE Get alerts about Chicago's biggest business stories sent directly to your phone. Text "chibiz" to 31286 or sign up online: MORE>> CLOSING BELL DJIA 11,613.53 +53.58 | NSDQ 2,579.46 +3.35 | S&P 1,218.89 +5.97 Stocks edged up as another round of soft economic data supported a growing belief the Federal Reserve would take new steps to stimulate growth, but tech stocks struggled: MORE>> TOP BUSINESS NEWS U.S. files antitrust suit to block AT&T's purchase of T-Mobile: MORE>> • Despite promise to bring 5,000 jobs back to U.S.: MORE>> Sears to sell Craftsman tools at Costco: MORE>> Kankakee mayor wants Chicago, RTA to drop sales tax suits, fearing companies will leave: MORE>> Chicago Tribune to drop tabloid edition, return broadsheet to newsstands: MORE>> President Barack Obama plans to unveil his new job-creation plan to a joint session of Congress Sept. 7: MORE>> • Obama says jobs at stake in transportation bills: MORE>> • Jobs recovery continues to sputter: MORE>> Top 25 CEOs make more money than their companies paid in taxes last year, according to the Institute for Policy Studies: MORE>> HP decides to do "one last run" of TouchPads after last week's decision to drop its iPad rival: MORE>> There may be no free lunch, but there's a free breakfast at Chick-fil-A next week: MORE>> LATEST BUSINESS NEWS >> | SEND US A NEWS TIP >> TALKING BUSINESS "It's not a true coffee market anymore, where the laws of supply and demand hold forth," said Danell Seda, a trader for Walker Coffee Trading in Houston. Speculators have been bidding up coffee prices in recent months: MORE>> IN OTHER NEWS An unemployed carpenter from McHenry County finds $150,000 cash in his garden, but doesn't feel lucky: MORE>> Illinois public high school students struggle to get a B average as freshmen at the state's universities and colleges: MORE>> • Search the data by state university and college: MORE>> Cops say Riverside burglar left his photo on stolen laptop: MORE>> Three people, including a baby, were seriously injured this morning in a rollover crash on Lake Shore Drive: MORE>> Three were hospitalized and 13 were decontaminated after a suspicious package arrived at at Scott Air Force Base: MORE>> BP's offices in Moscow were raided the day after it lost a key deal to ExxonMobil: MORE>> Syrian troops raid homes in the city of Hama to find those leading 5-month protest against the president: MORE>> Eating too fast can make you fatter, study finds: MORE>> LATEST CHICAGO AND NATIONAL NEWS >> IN THE BLOGOSPHERE Eric Zorn wishes The Daily Herald luck with its plan to charge for access to its digital editions, in Change of Subject: MORE>> SPORTS FIX Rogers: Ozzie Guillen's constant harping about his contract is getting old: MORE>> • Rosenbloom: Guillen wants cash; Sox GM wants silence: MORE>> • Poll: Should Guillen get a new deal?: MORE>> Olympic skater Apolo Ohno plans to run the Sept. 11 Chicago Half Marathon: MORE>> Oscar De La Hoya talks about cocaine addiction, cheating, rehab and suicidal thoughts in interview: MORE>> LATEST SPORTS NEWS >> OFF THE CLOCK Summer's winding down, but there are still a lot of festivals ahead. See what's coming in our festival guide: MORE>> • For families and kids: MORE>> • Free events: MORE>> Michael Jordan becoming a regular at his new restaurant: MORE>> Mel Gibson reaches $750,000 settlement with ex-girlfriend: MORE>> HEADED OUT? Traffic | See current information on area highways, buses, trains and planes on our commuting page: MORE>> Weather | Lots of sunshine and some developing puffy cumulus clouds. High of 84. See our weather page with radar and Tom Skilling's seven-day forecast: MORE>> RSS US You can subscribe to an automatic feed of the latest Chicago Tribune business headlines. View them in your RSS reader or in your browser's tool bar. It's easy, just click here: MORE>> | | |  | CHICAGO SHOPPING |  | NEWS SEARCH |  | |
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