Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Your morning news update

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Roselle police open inquiry into terrier's death

Police in west suburban Roselle have launched an investigation into the death of a dog that was tasered last week after it bit and severely injured a 55-year-old woman inside her home, authorities said.

Patti Blagojevich and daughters make prison visit Patti Blagojevich and daughters make prison visit

Patti Blagojevich says she and her two daughters spent the past weekend in Denver visiting imprisoned former Gov. Rod Blagojevich.

County pays $600,000 to get out of Burge torture case County pays $600,000 to get out of Burge torture case

Cook County commissioners agreed Monday to pay $600,000 to settle the county's portion of a lawsuit brought by a freed prison inmate whose allegations of police torture have shined a spotlight on former Mayor Richard Daley.

Lawsuit claims abuse by Chicago priest in 1980s Lawsuit claims abuse by Chicago priest in 1980s

A 40-year-old man has filed a lawsuit against the Archdiocese of Chicagoalleging a priest sexually abused him multiple times between 1983 and 1984 while he was an altar boy.

Driver dies after car hits construction vehicle in northwest suburb Driver dies after car hits construction vehicle in northwest suburb

A man whose car hit a construction vehicle in a road work zone in Elk Grove Village died following the crash this afternoon, police said.

Salaries, health benefits for members of Cicero advisory commissions hit Salaries, health benefits for members of Cicero advisory commissions hit

For years, an appointment to a board or commission in Cicero came with financial benefits not found in most other municipalities, including annual salaries as high as $10,000 and family health insurance, all in exchange for working on panels that typically meet once a month.

Newlywed stabbed to death in her wedding dress Newlywed stabbed to death in her wedding dress

The last time her family saw Estrella Carrera, she had just gotten married to the father of her youngest child.

Man dies after motorcycle hit by vehicle on South Side Man dies after motorcycle hit by vehicle on South Side

A man died this afternoon after his motorcycle was struck by a vehicle and then hit a tree, authorities said.

Copyright (c) 2012, Chicago Tribune

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