Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Teachers union rally / Pregnant and shackled / Spider therapy

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Chicago Teachers Union staging downtown rally today

The Chicago Teachers Union expects thousands of teachers to show up today for a downtown rally staged to fire up its members and serve as a display of muscle in the midst of protracted contract talks with the school district.

Regulators looking into Morgan Stanley role in Facebook IPO Regulators looking into Facebook IPO

Facebook and the Wall Street banks that underwrote its $16 billion IPO are facing questions about how and why stock analysts decided to cut financial forecasts on the company ahead of the IPO and only notify its larger clients of the move.

$4.1 million settlement for pregnant inmates who say they were shackled Settlement for pregnant inmates who say they were shackled

Female detainees at the Cook County Jail could get a $4.1 million settlement.

Touchdown, Donald Driver! 'Dancing With the Stars' winner a touchdown

Green Bay Packers receiver Donald Driver is a Super Bowl champion and now a "Dancing With the Stars" winner.

Scott Stantis cartoon caption contest Scott Stantis cartoon caption contest

Get your entries in by noon on Thursday.

Sea of love for Chicago's finest likely to evaporate fast Kass: Love for Chicago's finest may evaporate fast

How long will Chicago police float on their official sea of love?

 Parents hire own researchers to tackle rare, fatal disease Parents hire researchers to tackle rare disease

There are only 25 to 30 children worldwide known to have giant axonal neuropathy, which damages the nerve pathways that carry signals to the brain.

Cubs subsidy foul or fair? Depends on your angle Rosenthal: The Ricketts' contradiction on taxes

Here's a staunch billionaire opponent of free-spending government whose family seeks government help funding renovations for Wrigley Field.

Drug documentary delivers potent mix of fear and facts Drug documentary delivers fear and facts

"Play Safe" gets its anti-drug message across — by showing young people how to use drugs.

Scared of spiders? Quick therapy can help you overcome fears — and change your brain Study shows brain changes when fears overcome

Brain scans after "exposure therapy" show that regions associated with fear have decreased activity when subjects are shown pictures of spiders.

Copyright (c) 2012, Chicago Tribune

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