Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Opinion Express

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911 calls: Release the transcripts, but not the tapes

Should we be able to hear the soundtrack of Julia Hudson's anguish -- or anyone's when they call for help in their most desperate moments?

Why can't Arizona enforce the law? Byrne: Why can't Arizona enforce the law?

Racial profiling is not the issue before the Supreme Court on Arizona's immigration law. The issue, rather, is the relationship of the federal government and America's states.

Pay to play a good idea for state parks

It makes sense to have the people who use the boardwalks and restrooms at Illinois state parks contribute more to keep them clean, safe and in good repair.

Today's columnists

Sean Penn can sleep in a tent in Haiti, but he can't make people like him Sean Penn can do good, but can't make people like him

Sean Penn walked the dangerous streets of earthquake-torn Port-au-Prince, armed with a pistol, delivering food and medicine to starving children. But he can't make people like him.

Behind the dissident's escape Behind the blind Chinese dissident's escape

The story of Chen Guangcheng is one of those sagas that would make an exciting Hollywood movie, if it were not so outlandishly unbelievable.

Copyright (c) 2012, Chicago Tribune

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