Saturday, March 24, 2012

Opinion Express

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Trayvon Martin and the 'stand your ground' law

In the uproar over the killing of Trayvon Martin, two guilty parties have been identified: George Zimmerman and Florida's "stand your ground" law. I have no attachment to Zimmerman. But having defended the law when it was passed in 2005, I think it has been the victim of a lightly informed rush to judgment.

Editorial: 'They shouldn't have to be perfect'

Getting accepted to one of Chicago's elite public high schools — a process often likened to landing a spot at an Ivy League college — became even more cutthroat this year as nearly perfect application scores were not good enough for more students than ever before.

Editorial: Honor, yes

Chicago public schools officials are taking heat over their proposal to drop Pulaski Day and Columbus Day as school holidays in the expanded 180-day school year starting next fall. Outraged Polish-American and Italian-American civic leaders say the move is an insult to their communities.

Today's columnists

Lawmaker hits pension jackpot Editorial: Lawmaker hits pension jackpot

When Republican state Rep. Roger Eddy announced his retirement from the House Thursday, you could hear the "ding, ding, ding" of a slot machine all the way from Springfield.

Zorn: Old scare tactic a new weapon in abortion wars

New Hampshire House Bill 1659 is titled the "Women's Right to Know Act," but a more accurate title would be the "Activists' Right to Lie to Women Act."

Copyright (c) 2012, Chicago Tribune

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