In the field of petroleum, location is everything. If you want to find oil, you don't drill in Rhode Island. And if you want to find wisdom about gasoline markets, you avoid Washington, D.C.  | Editorial: Campaign violation Illinois has long been infamous for its political corruption, and in 2009, embarrassed by the indictment of Gov. Rod Blagojevich, the state decided to do something about it — or at least pretend to. Gov. Pat Quinn signed a measure that for the first time put broad limits on campaign donations, in an attempt to keep big donors from buying the loyalty of officeholders. |  | Endorsement: Theis for the Supreme Court Voters in states that choose judges via elections (rather than merit selection) increasingly encounter contests that hinge on issues straight from the political realm. Campaigns for judgeships can sound like races for, say, governor: Vote for Doe if you're pro-labor, for Poe if you're pro-business, for Schmoe if you yearn for aggressive tort reform. (Go Schmoe!) |  | Leaks Society seems to be springing a leak. Army Pfc. Bradley Manning was arraigned Thursday on charges of leaking official U.S. diplomatic correspondence that ended up on WikiLeaks. The Vatican is atwitter over news leaks that seem to signal a power struggle among the church's hierarchy. Leaks (or purported leaks) about what's in iPad 3 have kept Apple on people's minds for months. Australia is captivated by a leaked video of former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd cursing and throwing a temper tantrum. Here are 10 facts that hold water: |  | What others are saying When Barack Obama was campaigning for president in 2008, he declared that marriage is between a man and a woman. For the most part, his position was treated as a nonissue. | |  | |
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